Monday, December 17, 2007

To: Elle Love: Santa

Our sick little Elle got a special present from Santa yesterday! Matt and I have been debating if we should buy Elle anything this year or not because we are saving for Michigan. We are not even buying each other anything because it's a "present" to be able to go home for a week! I have been looking at this Rain forest jumper for a couple of weeks and we decided to get it for her yesterday. She really loves it! When she bounces in it, it starts to play music and it makes rain forest sounds... to cute!


Alyssa said...

Cool! I have seen that. It is cute! Kendra had a jumperoo with the kangaroos, and loved it too (I got rid of that at a sale for room:)). I actually have that activity center in my garage still for you to use too if you do still want it. Don't know if you have room, but maybe if you put it in your room so you have something for her in there too. You can take it home with you on Wednesday if you want.
Is she sitting up on her own?

Leah Wentzel said...

lol, cute.

we didn'y buy Kobe too much on his first Christmas either.
that is a good present for her

Shelly Marie said...

That is CUTE!!! She will love it. Brooklyn loved hers too. Tha is a great gift!! =) Very cool. =) Love you