Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Happy Girl

Elle was napping today on the couch and just smiling away! It was so cute. She is such a happy baby even when she is sleeping.
I know I am not the best about posting new pictures but, I'm trying - it's hard for me to sit at the computer during my "free" time. I'll try to do better! =)


cindy said...

What a beautiful smile, that is what she will look like when she is up to something ;) How is her bellie button doing?
Love you

vmarie311 said...

She is absolutely goregous you guys!!! Skylar used to do that smile thing in her sleep. I actually forgot about that. Good thing you have pictures-- I don't think I had any. Anyways, she is just precious!! I would love to hear all about her... how much did she weigh, how long was she?? How did your labor go?? I hope everything is going well with you! The only advice I have, which is weird since I am younger than you, but yeah, the only advice I have is cherish every second-- they really really do grow up so fast! And take TONS of pictures!! Congratulations you guys!! Can't wait to hear all the details!

Love you guys!

Wentzel Weekly said...

I love these pictures:)! She is such a great baby! You guys are truly blessed. It was great getting to hold her again tonight. Can't wait to hear how much she has gained at tomorrow's appointment! She is eating so great!!!

Love you guys!

Paula said...

How Beautiful!!! I am so glad that you have such a happy little girl.

Love you,